Looks Polluted, Eh?

By on July 24, 2022

Well fans a communication with the SWFWMD division is still leaving me a bit perplexed.  The State of Florida states that, “The pond is working as permitted with a coating of Salvinia minima which is a plant species which may be unaesthetic but does actually help with nutrient up take in ponds and is not something that we would enforces it is more of an aesthetic issue.”  Now you-all reread the previous sentence and if you are as confused as I am welcome to the crowd.  Now here in this same communication is something about the pond and protected wetlands.  “The wetlands and pond have a berm in between them to help ensure the wetlands retain the water levels they need to stay in a healthy state.”  Now how can one prove this statement as no one can see the site because it’s behind the Blue Jays gates and because of COVID entrance is blocked so how can one tell for sure.  Then there is the school’s playgrounds which according to this communication says, “The schools playground drains to pond 100 which in turns drains to the wetland to the north and east of the Blue Jays Training Facility.”  Okay now why does it have to drain?  According to some with knowledge of the situation, why is draining it, it didn’t used to be or was it something not talked about.  In closing there are still too many issues that need answers especially since the site was given to the City of Dunedin by the Lewis A. Vanech Foundation for use by the city’s residents who no longer have access to what is theirs.  Someone somewhere should take a real look at all this.

     A PS to all this and that is witness have stated that ducks won’t even land on this pond so something must be wrong.

The pond is working as permitted with a coating of Salvinia minima which is a plant species which may be unaesthetic but does actually help with nutrient up take with in ponds and is not something that we would enforce as it is more of an aesthetic issue.
The school’s playground drains to pond 100 which in turns drains to the wetland to the north and east of the Blue Jays Training facility.
Categories: Sports

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