Posts Tagged ‘Queensrÿche’
A Virgin Survives The High Seas On The 2024 Monsters of Rock Cruise

Virgin. I knew that would catch your attention and in full transparency, I have been on the Beach Boys Cruise but never on the Monsters of Rock Cruise. They both have some similarities but The Monsters of Rock Cruise is a whole different animal. A gorilla comes to mind but imagine one on steroids ala […]
Trauma Awakens-An Interview with Drummer Kris Gustofson

Most bands when they fade away early in their careers never make a comeback but that’s not the case with Trauma. After having their song “Such A Shame” included in the Metal Massacre II compilation in 1982, Trauma signed with Shrapnel Records and released Scratch and Scream. It received high praise with the band hitting […]
The Chief Metal Officer’s Year in Review

No one knows exactly what their future holds, and when January 1st rang in the New Year I had no idea that 2022 was going to be the most epic concert year that I have ever had. This calendar year has afforded me the opportunity to see some musical legends and my favorite bands, and […]
Rocking With The Monsters On The Mountain

With an invitation in hand to come and check out the 2022 Monsters on the Mountain music festival, my ‘Jedi behind the lens’ friend Brian (B Man) and I made travel arrangements and the day of could not get here soon enough. We would be flying into Knoxville, TN and then had a ride pre-arranged […]
Queensryche Renders The Verdict For The First Time At The Plaza Live

All Pictures By Jordan Raiff When Queensryche and Fates Warning (two of the top three progressive metal bands of all time ) are on the bill, you don’t expect them to hit the stage at 9pm. You don’t expect fans to line up ¾ the way around the building. You don’t expect them to […]
Mr. SawBladehead and Queensryche’s Casey Grillo unveil the “Lotus”

Queensryche and Sawbladehead Designs With Casey Grillo, Todd La Torre, and Shawn Lowery “Presenting ‘Lotus’ before ‘Crazy World Tour’” One of the biggest parts of any tour is the presentation on stage. Everything from the lights, to the microphone stands, the clothing worn on stage, and the props help set the stage for the […]
Don’t Call it a Comeback with Queensryche and Armored Saint
2016 has been a memorable year in music. There have been some positives, like the Guns and Roses reunion, Metallica’s long-awaited new release, but 2016 will also be known as the year that we lost some of the greats: David Bowie, Prince, and Glen Frey, just to name a few. One thing is for certain, […]
Rockville Recovers on Day 2
On Day 2 of the 2015 Monster Energy Welcome To Rockville festival fans would be given a gift from Mother Nature. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky throughout the day and promoters, along with the city of Jacksonville, did a great job to get Metropolitan Park ready for the second day of festivities. They […]
A Manic Kind of Monster-Welcome to Rockville Day 1
The 2015 Monster Energy Welcome To Rockville Festival was truly an unforgettable experience. You can probably say this about a lot of music festivals that you have attended due to the bands’ performances, but this year’s Rockville at Metropolitan Park was an extreme case of Ying and Yang. Highlights from the day include a […]
A Rockville Monster Awaits
Metropolitan Park in Jacksonville will once again host Monster Energy’s Welcome To Rockville on April 25th and 26th. 43 bands will be gracing the stages over the two day event, with something for everyone who enjoys the hard rock/metal genre with a few anomalies mixed in. Welcome to Rockville alumni, Korn, will be headlining […]