Archive for the ‘Right Standing’ Category
The Ukrainian Problem.

It seems now that in the day an age of almost the year 2022, tumultuous conflict across the world rages furthermore. The Ukrainian conflict is a quite an intriguing one; between the history of Russia and its relationship with the world, and the geopolitical quagmire that is the old Balkan states. Of course, if we […]
Eddie’s got a Huge Heart

So with all this let me just make a closing statement or two that will definitely embarrass all those who have treated me like a second class citizen. First was the comment about me asking a player to reach down and hand me the puck during a game and for good reason I ask […]
Now More than Ever

Now more than ever anytime in the history of the world, has our freedoms been more at stake. Every year our personal liberties have been attacked systematically and endlessly. It seems the deep state knows no bounds on their continuous pursuit of world domination and subversion. At every turn they have thwarted our rights, squandered […]
The Illusion of Freedom

The illusion of freedom is the strongest control. Autocratic forms of control were always met with resistance, today’s control is governed through this illusion of freedom. They claim that liberties are worth sacrificing for security, as Ben Franklin said, “…you get neither.” All this recent lawlessness being exhibited in Minneapolis is exactly what they want, […]
The Deep State: The Scariest American truth

For years I had always questioned this idea of an American deep state controlling the most powerful facets of American government, to me it sounded unbelievable. Only recently did I see the truth. And the truth is the most profound and most terrifying thing this country has faced. The idea of a close net […]
Arm the Teaching Populace

Many people question and wonder why schools are targets in horrific acts of violence. The simple answer, which still remains, schools are soft targets. The inability of these places to defend themselves is exactly why they are targeted. Many lawmakers have used these shootings to push their anti-gun agenda, as gun grabbers simply believe that […]
Chris Tomlin’s Remarkable Touring Year Continues with Fall Tour: “An Evening of Worship with Chris Tomlin”

Nashville, TN – As one of the most successful and influential Christian performing artists today, Chris Tomlin’s remarkable year of touring will continue in 2019 as he announces his fall tour, “An Evening of Worship with Chris Tomlin.” The tour will launch on October 2 with 20 shows planned. Singer/songwriter Pat Barrett, who became the first artist […]
You are “Special”

Choose this day to be “set apart.”We have misinterpreted the word “Holy.” Being “Holy” does not mean being pious or religious. It literally means to be “set apart.” Before the beginning of time God created you for a special purpose. The only way to find that purpose is to spend time with HIM, your Father […]
President Trump and the US Media and MLB – The Other Side of Sports TOO

Well fans this long awaited issue is an open letter to Present Donald Trump supporting his stand about the media in this country, as pathetic as most of it is. You see being in the media but also being in the real world I have seen what you-all the unknowing are having to put […]
Chris Tomlin Wraps 2018 Christmas Tour

Nashville, TN – Grammy® winner Chris Tomlin wrapped his 12-city Christmas Tour, Chris Tomlin Christmas: Christmas Songs of Worship, at the Beacon Theatre in New York City last night after a run of sold-out shows. This morning he capped off an amazing year with a performance on Good Morning America. 2018 was a record-year for the award-winning Christian artist. He began […]