Lakeland’s “With Love Productions” is Recognized by the Michael Jackson Family Tribute
By ROCKET SPORTS and ENTERTAINMENT NETWORK on May 8, 2011Lakeland, Fl. (RSEN) — With Love Productions Inc. is a Lakeland based 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization that creates original shows while specializing in giving people ages 5 to 30 a chance to perform in live productions. According to Alicia Fields of Lakeland, who is the organization’s Co-Founder and Creative Director, the people in our performances normally would not a chance to perform at this level.
The current show is “With Love: A Michael Jackson Tribute.” RSEN ask Ms. Fields why a Michael Jackson Tribute? She said, “Because my friend and I that started this (With Love Productions Inc.) became friends because of Michael Jackson. We wanted to pay tribute to the reason why I dance and she (Alessandra Stillinger, Founder and Executive Director) sings. Michael Jackson is a big influence in why I dance.”
Illusionist Dani Panic portrays Jackson in his adult years flawlessly. Fields said of Panic, “He is one of the best Michael Jackson impersonators I have ever seen. He won Mr. Ultimate Illusionist 2011.” According to Fields this is a prestigious National award.
When asked what’s next for With Love Productions Inc, Fields responded, “We do not have the next show planned yet but it’s in the beginning stages. Probably next summer, we think it’s going to a pop tribute – Madonna, Janet (Jackson), New Kids on the Block, etc.”
Twenty-five percent of the organization’s proceeds go to charity with five percent creating a scholarship for a student of dance.
Below is a post from We Love 3T which is a dedication to Michael Jackson and the Jackson family
Courtesy of We Love 3T
Below are two fans of Michael Jackson that a read about today in the news. Their story and what they are doing in their community is amazing. To learn more please read their story below…
Two Michael Jackson fans in Lakeland, Florida are doing their part to help keep Michael’s memory and legacy alive. Alessandra Stillinger, Founder and Executive Director, along with Alicia Fields, Co-Founder and Creative Director, of a 501 (c)(3) non-profit group called “With Love Productions” are working on different shows that they can do each year, with different themes to help support different charities that are near and dear to their hearts. This year they are planning a two- hour song and dance extravaganza called “With Love: A Michael Jackson Tribute”.
Alessandra Stillinger started the non-profit group so that children and adults in her community in Lakeland, Florida could have an outlet to express themselves through song and dance. This year they plan on donating 25% of the shows profits to a charity to help benefit those dealing with Bechets disease and they are also planning to give 5% of the profits in a scholarship for a child who is planning on going to school for Performing Arts.
“I personally know people with Bechets and it is very frustrating to see people I love suffer because there isn’t much research that has been done on this illness. We are all about giving back to the community and to charity, because that’s what Michael believed in. We want to spread awareness for this illness, as well as spreading the message and love of Michael’s music. My dancers have been in rehearsals since January and they blow my mind every week. We want people to see all the greatness that Michael created, and how he inspired so many performers (including myself and Alicia) to be the performers we are today.”
They are hoping to raise funds to help secure the Polk Theatre for the location for the event for this year. For more information on how you can help please contact Alessandra Stillinger at or call Alessandra Stillinger at With Love Productions Inc., at 863-944-8298.
Tags: alessandra stillinger, alicia fields, janet jackson, madonna, michael jackson, new kids on the block, with love productions
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