Posts Tagged ‘jim thome’
Rub Some Dirt in It
All-Star disabled list… hey Toto, these guys won’t be in Kansas… or should we say Kansas City, Missouri… Darius breaks down the All-Star list…
Chase Utley – Jim Thome rehab in Clearwater
Eddie Michels catches Chase Utley and Jim Thome rehabbing together….
Jim Thome rehabs in Threshers Uni, Martinez starts Rehab
Jim Thome and Michael Martinez begin rehab in Clearwater…see Eddie Michels’ photo…
Jim Thome plays at Carpenter: Eddie Michels photos
Clearwater, Fla. – On Saturday, Jim Thome get work in at the Phillies’ Carpenter Complex in Clearwater as Leigh Valley plays the Empire State Yankees. Thome was 0-2. (Photo by Eddie Michels)