Posts Tagged ‘mlb’
Cut Backs! No More Instructional Games
The Other Side of Sports TOO By Yours Truly “Eddie Michels” Hey fans any of you catch it Saturday night the 9th the Fall Stars game from Arizona an All Star game as prospects from all 30 major league teams played as about the last big baseball game of 2024. Yes fans, that is so […]
Construction Continues at the Blue Jays Dormitory in Dunedin
DUNEDIN, Fl.–Approaching the two year mark since construction began in 2022 for the Toronto Blue Jays minor league players dormitory in Dunedin, progress is now to the point where windows are being installed. It is still unknown when occupancy will be allowed as their second players dormitory, the Grant Street Inn already appears to be […]
It’s no Minor Thing; Disappearing Leagues
Well as this 21st year of the 21st century comes to an end it appears to me that the game of baseball and its fans have come to a less that advantageous position because of the almighty dollar. Just look as another work stoppage in the sport of baseball is upon us 27 […]
President Trump and the US Media and MLB – The Other Side of Sports TOO
Well fans this long awaited issue is an open letter to Present Donald Trump supporting his stand about the media in this country, as pathetic as most of it is. You see being in the media but also being in the real world I have seen what you-all the unknowing are having to put […]
Why? A Letter from Eddie to Eric
To-VFW Post 5540 Commander Eric Mills and Members From-Eddie Michels Life Member VFW Post 5540 Subject-Why? Gentlemen: I am asking you why you would vote at the May 2018 Post meeting to remove me as your announcer of this years Memorial Day Parade, why? Since over the past three weeks not one person […]
AUDIO LISTEN! Kris Dunn’s Run Down
For the first time in 102 years this happened in MLB & Kentucky HS makes a bad decision
Audio Listen: Tommy G Baseball
Sports Tonight’s Tommy G’s weekly baseball rundown…
Baseball Should Change Opening Day
Kris Dunn with his view from the dugout shares why MLB should change opening day…
AUDIO: Dugout View – Will Ferrell
Will Ferrell playing all nine positions…