Darius Thigpen returns for Summer
Tampa, Fla– Rocket Sports & Entertainment Network announces today the return of Ohio State University’s Darius Thigpen as a summer intern.
Darius, who is Vice President of Scarlet and Gray Sports Radio – ohiostatesports.net and a regular columnist for Rocket Sports & Entertainment Network through-out the year, returns to the air tomorrow to join Rick Sassone as his co-host.
Besides Co-hosting the Rocket Sports & Entertainment Network show, Darius will be working on various projects to include high school football production preparation, Saint Leo University Lions basketball production preparation, Tampa Bay Rays coverage, Florida State League coverage as well as other projects.
Rick Sassone is looking forward with excitement to having Darius back on the team. Sassone said, “I could not ask for a better summer intern than Darius. His enthusiastic attitude and ideas create the perfect synergy to boost Rocket Sports & Entertainment Network over the summer months. His talent just adds to the strength of our team. And besides working side by side with a college student keeps me thinking young and on line with the younger fan base and helps with the technology; EASY, I’m THAT old (laughs).”
Sassone closed with, The negative thing is I will miss him at the end of summer when he heads back to Columbus!”
Darius said of the internship, “I’ve worked with Rocket Sports and Entertainment before and working with Rick Sassone has been great. For me, a college kid, to get on the radio and work with someone who is experienced in the media has been one of the best opportunities in my life. I’ve learned about the industry and seen some things you wouldn’t think to consider like the business aspect of radio. I’ve had a great time working with Rick and I know no matter what Rocket Sports and Entertainment will always hold a special spot in my heart.”
Tags: Darius Thigpen, darius thigpen ohio state, rick sassone, rocket sports summer internship
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