42nd Year the Suncoast Brotherhood Rides for the Kids

By on December 19, 2022

DUNEDIN, FLA.–Mr. and Mrs. Claus took their spin around Dunedin, Florida a week early on Sunday December 18th during the Suncoast Brotherhood’s annual toy run to assist those children in need in Pinellas County.  Over a thousand bikes, mostly Harley Davidson’s navigated the streets of Dunedin for the ride that saw the high number of motorcycles take 17 minutes just to enter the parade route. 2022 is the groups 42nd year helping the areas children in need.

Former US Army Rangers Participating in the Parade EDDIE MICELS PHOTO
People Aren’t the only Parade Riders EDDIE MICHELS PHOTO
Just Some of the Bikes Getting Ready for the Parade EDDIE MICHELS PHOTO
A Happy Couple Enter the Parade Route EDDIE MICHELS PHOTO
Categories: Sports

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