Happy Ump

By on October 6, 2021

Oldsmar, Fla.–This past Friday night I was back on the field as an umpire for a Coed game in Oldsmar, Florida then stepped off during the championship game to take a photo or two of a lot of happy people.  You see area rain had flooded the field for over a month and the games finally returned.  But that is not what really impressed me about the game it was the players and how happy they were.  Even though one team clobbered the other everyone was happy about being there including being nice to each other something vacant from the game of softball over the past years.  Man was it great to see these teams of all age level and skill levels being nice to each other with no negativity anywhere.  Now this ump is really happy to be back on the field of play.

Categories: Sports


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