Bad Sign, Eh?

By on April 21, 2018

Sorry for the poor Blue Jay bird but it did meet its end right in front of the Dunedin Stadium at Grant Field in Dunedin, Fl. the spring training home of the Toronto Blue Jays.  But a sign might still be here as it seems that the residents of the stadium had to be informed that they were about a day late lowering their American and Canadian flags to honor the former first lady Barbara Bush.  You see Mrs. Bush passed away on April 17th but the lease holder the Toronto Blue Jays never lowered the flags at the stadium or the Englebert Complex until April 19th.  This isn’t the first time for the lapse either so maybe the city, county and state officials should take a closer look at what is going on especially in the way they treat our youth.  RIP Birdie!  (EDDIE MICHELS PHOTO)

Categories: Sports


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