By Eddie Michels on April 26, 2012Well on April 24, 1946 at Mac Arthur Stadium in Syracuse, N.Y. Hall of Famer Jackie Robinson took the field for the Montreal Royals against the home town Chiefs.
It was the first time the Royals had faced the Chiefs that season but it was not without incident. You see fans this was the infamous “Black Cat Game” when a group of local fans put a black cat on the field. The fans who pulled the stunt taunted Robinson as back then the Klan had a presence in the area.
Jackie shook it off like the officer and gentleman he was but when I first went to investigate this in the early 90’s the Chiefs team management denied it. I had actually seen the 1951 bio-pix “The Jackie Robinson Story” and was curious.
Yes back then they thought I would just give up but I went one step further and found a Chief’s player who was actually there, the late Bill Sinton.
Bill told me it did happen and that the infamous “Black Face Incident” also did happen but not in Syracuse.
According to Bill Chief’s pitcher Jack Katz tried it in Montreal but was stopped by Royals manager Clay Hopper as at that time both teams entered the field through the home team dugout.
So just wanting to inform you our readers I hope you can now match this article with what is now on the internet. Something I didn’t have 20-plus years ago to do my research I had to find someone who was actually there.
So until then…
Tags: Bill Sinton, Black Cat Game, Black Face Incident, Clay Hopper, Jack Katz, jackie robinson, Mac Arthur Stadium, SYRACUSE CHIEFS
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