Bring in the Closer… Save the Wetlands
By Eddie Michels on April 28, 2019It appears that the protected wetlands adjacent to the Englebert and Vanech Complexs are marked for destruction. As one can see by the orange paint on the tree in the center of the photo is looks like a path is being constructed through the middle of the protected property.

Back in early 2016 the Toronto Blue Jays were cited for dumping soil from a ball field at the Englebert Complex into these protected wetlands along Garrison Rd. in Dunedin, Fl. Sometime on Friday April 26th the Gilbane Construction Company contracted to build the Blue Jays new complex at the citizen owned Vanech Complex took to destroying the protected wetlands. Given the overlay of the new complex there appears to be no intrusion into the wetlands so the question must be ask why? (EDDIE MICHELS PHOTO)

When viewing the old vs new one might just question why the destruction being done more than the proposed site. (EDDIE MICHELS PHOTO)
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