Rebirth: a New Introduction to Music

By on February 24, 2016

I have a goal, a new goal of sorts and this is one that I know I can accomplish. As you may or may not know I’m addicted, I’m infected and it’s incurable. Please don’t feel bad for me, don’t worry about me and don’t think you can help can help me. I am addicted and infected with the love of music.

I can’t play a single instrument and I can’t sing…but what I can do it tell when music is garbage and when it would have be well received. I just know good music, it’s that simple. Maybe that’s why I can’t stand the current Pop charts, all that music is trash, burning, stinking feces filled garbage. Kanye, Rihanna, Bieber, Drake… all noise that I could and do, do without.

The days of the Radio DJ introducing their listeners with new music is distant and fading memory, those days of sitting by the radio for your DJ to play your song in the radio so you can record it have all but been erased and we are now left to fend for ourselves. In the heyday of music there was a man small in stature but huge in his love of music, Rodney Bingenheimer, or Rodney on the Roq if you are an L.A. native, has introduced more people to music than just about any single DJ I can think of. Rodney was the guy that people tuned into just so they could be in the know of music in L.A. Even though he is still around, the music industry has changed, with social media and the internet the DJ isn’t as needed as they were in the past. The role has changed, why listen to the radio when you can pull up a single track or the entire library from an artist on your phone?

Unless you have time on your hands or direct connections with record labels you will probably only hear what you’ve already heard, or you will be stuck with the noise on the radio. Granted playlists on Pandora, Spotify and all the others will likely play a few new songs here and again, they will not find what I find, they will not give you the wide range of music that I will be giving you, I’m here for you, I’ll be your guide to music. I’m your guide, your pilot, your adviser to new music…. Prepare yourself and enjoy the trip.

I’ll be providing a playlist on a weekly basis, make sure you go to these artists website, their twitter pages and buy their music…. You must show support!

Here are 10 tracks that will make you love music again. Consider this a rebirth of how music is introduced to you, many of us had the Radio, MTV, VH1 and BET…. Well now you have the OTT and RSEN to take care of your music needs.

1-Sleeping with Sirens “Kick Me” – Epitaph Records

@SWStheband @Epitaphrecords

2-Kim Gray “Perfume Ghost”- Resurrection Records


3. This Legend “It’s in the Streets” Cyber Tracks Records

@ThisLegendMusic @CyberTracks

4. Abandon the Midwest “Disappointment” Rah Rah Rah Records

@ATM_PunkRock @RahRahRahRecs

5. The Adolescents “The Last Laugh” Frontier Records

@TheAdolescents @frontierrcds

6. Bad Cop/BadCop “Nightmare” Fat Wreck Chords

@bcbcmusic @fat_wreck

7. Kurt Vile “Pretty Pimpin” Matador Records

@therealkurtvile @matadorrecords

8. Benjamin Francis Leftwich “Tilikum” Vagrant Records

@BenLeftwich @vagrantrecords

9. Milk Teeth “Brain Food” Hopeless Records

@milkteethpunx @hopelessrecords

10. PVRIS “You and I” Rise Records

@ThisIsPVRIS @riserecords

Categories: Featured, Music
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