Hey Blue!

By on May 23, 2023

CLEARWATER, FLA.–With the playoffs in process for the City of Clearwater’s Park and Recreation Department it appears that the umpires doing the slow-pitch softball playoff games are not really the top of the line.  As you can see by the first photo the plate ump never moved on a fly ball to left and if that wasn’t bad enough he made no call when a third base coach assisted one of the team’s base runners circling third and scoring from second.  The coach’s assistance of the runner helped him run and score, he should have been called out.  If that is not bad enough the base umpire is standing between first and second with no one on base.  In fact later in the inning he was in the same position with a play at third that he should have made but was out of position.  Whether the call was right or wrong by the plate ump is still a bit questionable.  Gee fans with only two not five softball seasons in Clearwater maybe the players are lucky but what happened to the good umpires or did they get canned.  I know fans they did get canned.

Categories: Sports

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