Come On Blue!
By Eddie Michels on April 23, 2023CLEARWATER, FLA.–During a co-ed slow pitch softball game on Thursday April 20th at Eddie Moore Complex in Clearwater, Fl. this ump was working (?) the bases during a game and is shown about as far as he got all game from the first baseline. Both teams complained about him to the home plate umpire who had to reverse a couple of calls made by his partner on the bases. In fact, the second photo shows the base ump in foul territory behind first base with runners at first and second base. This is also coupled with the base umpire spending his time between innings in the visiting team’s first base dugout. Gee fans, is this what the local Umpire in Chief Richie Ryals of the Mid Pinellas Umpires Association wants representing him on the field? It has been learned that Ryals has blocked good umpires from doing the games at the complex, even those who have done a professional baseball game or two.
As a PS to this is a question, how can an umpire call a game with his hands in his pockets?