Pete Doesn’t Look so Bad

By on August 2, 2013

Alex Rodriguez taking BP on July 10th during rehab with the Tampa Yankees. Tampa Yankees yesterday, lifetime ban tomorrow? (Eddie Michels Photo)

It’s time for the Commissioner of Major League Baseball, you know the guy, Bud,  to make things right for the fans.  In all the tsunami of media coverage,  the current status of Alex Rodriguez (AROD) must be so hard for fans to digest the direction in what has been offered or discussed in regards to the future status of Alex Rodriguez. Either a permanent ineligibility from baseball sentence or a lengthy suspension sentence would make things go away for just a while.

Nevertheless a clear argument and campaign should be raised for fans for Major League Baseball to look very carefully in the direction that the game has gone.  A National Petition must be declared in clear contents, the country should support the reinstatement of the legendary PETE ROSE and grant him Permanent Full Status in Baseball and Hall of Fame Eligibility.  After all Pete served his twenty-four year sentence from being held away from the game. Clearly within the twenty-four years of time there has NOT been any laws in the public broken related to any gambling related to PETE ROSE. As a MLB Player ROSE is truly a baseball Icon and how this plays out will be very significant to the sport of baseball.  ROSE deserves this and millions of true baseball fans from all over the world should agree.

Pete Rose played the game 100 times harder then Alex Rodriguez could even dream about.  “Charlie Hustle” – there was nothing hustle about ARod.

Think about it, have baseball fans have been more cheated by Alex Rodriguez or Pete Rose?  How about the NY Yankees?  Well you know, those long term contracts,  never work out.   Keep writing the checks Hal!

Rodriguez from Miami, Bio-Genesis, MLB what a disaster!  McGuire-Sosa seems like ROIDS ago, that was sure fun but what do the young fans know about MLB today, cheaters.

Whatever ARod’s fate, really, Pete doesn’t look so bad.  ARod cheated on the diamond, Pete never did.  Let’s get the petition going.

Eagle 8 was hovering over the Yankees’ complex yesterday trying get a shot of a cheater (Eddie Michels Photo)

Maybe we said Tsunami of media, maybe more like a circus, “please keep it a tight shot… the press bathrooms are right over there” – love those hospitable Yankees (Eddie Michels Photo)

 Have ESPN set up their tent over there, far from cheaters. (Eddie Michels Photo)

We know the organization must be embarrassed about this whole long term contract and steroids thing, but you think you could let the press get closer than the bridge? (Eddie Michels Photo)

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