By on November 9, 2015


US FlagIt has been a while since yours truly has taken the literal pen in hand here at Rocket Sports and Entertainment but sometimes one must.

With Veterans Day on Wednesday I have been wondering about a few things like will the flags be properly flown at Grant Field in Dunedin. Will non veterans really mean what they say when they utter, “Thank you for your service.” This veteran has begun to wonder.

As a Vietnam Veteran I say to others of my status “Welcome Home,” a greeting we never got from the general public back then. Now those, who at times spit on us back then, say nice things as it’s now their off spring who are or have served over seas.

Personally I think the worst insult I have had to suffer as a Vietnam Veteran is being purple hearttold not to say on local television, “Dunedin, Florida, Our Nation’s First Purple Heart City.” This was done when as a broadcaster I was wearing my awarded ribbons and one medal. One of the ribbons was a Purple Heart.

So in closing all that can be said this Veteran’s Day and all those in the future, mean what you say when thanking a veteran for his or her service. Remember they earned their right of free speech and defended yours, it isn’t a given, it’s earned.

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