Who’s in the Seat? The Hot Seat!
By Joshua Ott on November 18, 2013Coaching Hot Seat Report
It’s about that time for owners to start the Coaching Carousel in the NFL and even a few NBA teams even though the season is just getting underway. The thing that amazes me is that there are a few coaches in both leagues that no matter what they are able to keep their gigs. Either they have photos of the owners and a gaggle of transvestite hookers or they are their love child from a one night stand… I don’t know but it blows my mind how some owners refuse to see how awful their Head Coach is. That’s ok, that’s what I am here for, and I am here to set the record straight and point out the deficiencies that the owners don’t see.
Jason Kidd had a great career as a Point Guard but that’s about it. He was handed one of the best PG’s (Williams) in the NBA, a very good Center (Lopez) and 2 guys (Pierce and Garnett) that know how to win and what has he done with them? He has coached them to a losing record and no signs of improvement. Maybe he coaches how he drives…drunk and reckless.
Cleveland Cavs:
Mike Brown is HORRIBLE…let’s say it all together one time really loud so you can grasp it.. MIKE BROWN IS HORRIBLE! The Cavs would do better if they let the homeless guy standing on E. 9th coach the team. So much youth and talent and you can’t coach up your team… that equals ..YOU ARE HORRIBLE.
Los Angeles Lakers:
Mike D’Antoni has about as much business coaching the greatest team in basketball as Mike Brown did.. ZERO!!! This guy couldn’t win with the Suns or the Knicks what makes the Buss family so sure he can win in the City of Angles? Some guys are just born to lose and destined to fail and MDA is one of the chaps.
Houston Texans:
Gary Kubiak may have saved himself for a few weeks with this so called “HEALTH SCARE”, if you ask me his health should be in poor condition, mine would be as well if I had his team and couldn’t win; it’s sickening so much so that it could in fact cause health issues. He’s been there long enough time for him to move on.
Minnesota Vikings:
Leslie Frazier may stick around a little longer but he is never going to be a coach that takes the Vikes to the Promised Land, for god sake you have the best Running Back in the NFL, a solid offensive line and pretty good defense and you can’t win, that’s a coaching problem not a player problem.
Atlanta Falcons:
Make Smith… Let’s see… he pretty much just can’t win this year, actually with the offensive weapons he has he should be able to pull out a few but only 2 game thus far? With what he has they should be at .500 at worst, not 2-8.
Dallas Cowboys:
Jason Garrett ….Hell what can I say, this guy sticks with Romo, who chokes like a crack head on cold winter night. He has somehow been able to maintain his job although never really winning anything of importance. See my intro paragraph as to why I think he still has a job.
Washington Redskins:
Mike Shanahan has one of the most electrifying QB’s in the game, a very good group of running backs, decent WR’s and a fairly good defense, so

Mike Shanahan (right), Washington Redskins and take your kid (Kyle, left) with you (photo USA Today Sports / Geoff Burke)
why can’t he win.. I can only imagine it’s because his brain has been fried from all the tanning bed lights. I honestly am at a loss here, he needs to walk away from the team and take is radiation infested body with him. He is bringing down everybody around him.
Say what you will, these guys are all pretty sad excuses for Head Coaches, they all have the talent on their teams to win but for some odd reason they can’t. It’s frustrating to see these guys given every opportunity to continue to lose while they drive their team further into the gutters, Gutter Sluts is a great definition for these coaches, they are Gutter Sluts that whore their teams out to a losing record.
Tags: gary kubiak, jason garett, Jason Kidd, leslie frazier, mike brown, mike dantoni, mike shanahan, mike smith
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